It's Harvest Time!

It's Harvest Time!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

What's in a Name?

My parents named me Lanna -- not Lana with one "N" like most others.  As it turns out, they were right in giving me a name  with a spelling a little out of the ordinary.  Not that I consider myself out of the ordinary but I am a little quirky.  And I'm okay with quirky. As I was growing up, I didn't like that my name was different.  Occasionally the stores would sell things like pencils and key chains that were already personalized.  I could never find anything with my name spelled correctly. Oh well...

When my son got married, I started considering the thought of grandchildren and what they might call me someday.  My dad's mother passed away before I was born so I only had one grandmother -- Grammie and she was wonderful.  She was a Christian woman, so sweet and kind -- a great cook too.  I could never consider myself a Grammie...although my sister wears it nicely.  I didn't want to be called Grandma or Granny -- that sounded way too old. 

So what would I be called...
I wanted a quirky name that seemed to fit me -- one that I'd never heard before.  So I thought I'll take off the "L" in Lanna and add "GR" to make it Granna!  I thought I was so clever...
After my son and daughter-in-law told us they were expecting, I was so excited to finally be Granna Lanna!"

My bubble was burst one day while driving into town.  I saw a car with an Oklahoma vanity license plate that read, "GRANNA" in big read letters!  What!  That's my name! The very idea! Then I thought, "Oh well, she'll be going back to where she came from."  Then not long after that I saw a friend in Walmart that I hadn't seen in some time.  While catching up, she asked me, "So what do your grandchildren call you?"  I smiled and said proudly, "Granna".  To which she excitedly responded, "That's what my grandchildren call me!"  Somehow I continued smiling but inside I was yelling, "What!  Your name doesn't even rhyme with Granna!"  So since then, I've heard of a few more Grannas.  It happened again last Sunday while at a baby shower.  And in my mind, I ate another piece of humble pie. 

In Matthew 16, Mark 8 and Luke 9, we see a time when Jesus asked his disciples an important question.  It's important to note where they were when he asked -- as our Lord never did or said anything that wasn't without purpose. They were in Caesarea Philippi. It's not to be confused with Caesarea -- Caesarea is located on the Mediterranean coast.  Caesarea Philippi is just less than 40 miles due north of the Sea of Galilee.  The city was first named Panias, dedicated to the Greek god, Pan -- half goat and half man -- the so-called deity of herdsmen, music and wild nature -- among other things.  Herod the Great built a temple there to worship Caesar.  Then when Philip, Herod the Great's son inherited the city, he renamed it Caesarea Philippi -- to honor Caesar and himself.

So it's in this place of pagan worship, with statues abounding to other gods, Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do people say that I am?"  Answers of John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets were heard in response.  But then Jesus asks, "But what about you?  Who do you say that I am?"  And Peter's answer is the very foundation of our faith -- "You are the Messiah, the son of the living God."

WOW!  Doesn't it just make you shiver!

So what's in a name?  EVERYTHING!


There is no other name like that of our Savior's!

Now I think I'm better with others being called Granna like me...I'm just glad the Lord knows my name...Lanna or Granna...I'll answer to either one. 

Love till next time,

For your consideration:  Matthew 16:13-20, Mark 8:27-30, Luke 9:18:20,
Philippians 2:6-11, Matthew 28:18.

Sunday, June 17, 2018



Right before Easter, my daughter and I went shopping.  I didn't need a thing but there were a few things for which she was looking and I sure wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to shop -- and more importantly -- spend time with one of my children.  I always have a good time when I'm with my children.

So my daughter was looking for a lamp for the living room of their home.  She pointed out a few that she sorta liked -- but nothing was exactly right.  After looking at a couple of stores, I thought I had an idea of what she wanted.  She still hasn't found a lamp.  So a couple of weeks ago, we received a lighting catalog in the mail.  Knowing she was still looking, I perused the pages for lamps.  I found a lamp that might be just what she was looking for -- right color, right size and for a great price!  I snapped a picture with my cell phone and sent it to her with a caption..."These are cool!"  A little later in the evening, she answered, "Thanks for thinking of us mom but they're really not my style." 


Now she didn't mean a thing by it...she was just telling me that it wasn't what she was looking for and I certainly didn't want her to spend money on something that she didn't like.  I've taught her to be a smart shopper.  I just didn't have a good feel for what she wanted after all.....She might have liked it...and boom...I would have been super mom once again!

Well the whole thing made me think of some lamps my dad gave my husband and I not long after we married.  My husband was working on his master's degree and I was working.  We lived in student housing -- a furnished three room duplex.  It wasn't much but it was enough.  Well my dad bought us these lamps -- I'm sure they had to have been on sale -- probably clearanced -- because they were the ugliest glass, harvest gold lamps you have ever seen!!  They were definitely not my style!  He was so proud of his purchase and proud to be able to give us something we needed.  We accepted the lamps in the spirit they were given and they filled our house with light for many years all because of the love of a father. 

Today is Father's Day.  I have thought of my dad most of the day.  I miss him.  He was a mess.  He was funny.  He adored our mother and I never doubted for one minute his love for me and my siblings.  Even in death, he still has an impact on my life. 

That makes me think of the other Father in my life.  He impacts my life every day and I have never doubted His love for me.  He also gave us the gift of Light...the Perfect gift of Light...the Light that gives life everlasting!

Love till next time,

For your consideration:  John 1, John 3:16-17, Romans 5